Top Tips
An ongoing series of useful skincare tips
An ongoing series of useful skincare tips

Your daily skincare routine
How much do you know about it? How much do you care?
Do you love it or skip it?
Well, let me show you how to look after your skin and change it for a real pamper time even if it is 6 am. And I am telling you-it is worth every single minute. With a proper, medical grade products you will feel the difference on your skin, but to see a good results you will have to give yourself a bit more time. But I am sure, that you will fall in love with your little private SPA at home.
So, how do you start your day? How much time do you need for your morning skincare routine? In my case, it is about 15 -20minutes. Crazy, isn't? But I really love it.
Step 1: Cleanse your face with a proper cleanser. Water is not enough. Micellar Cleansing Water is not enough either, as still will leave some residue on your skin. So, only cleanser, right for skin type or skin condition is a good choice. Make sure you clean your face thoroughly under eyes, dont forget your neck. You could say, why should I bother to do this, if I was only sleeping? So there shouldn't be dirt on my skin? But actually overnight a lot of things are happening in your skin,like increase sebum production, sweat ect and what's more you dont want to have night creams or night serums on your face during a day, like for exemple retinol, which never should be wear at day time. So we really want to get rid of all that stuff from our face, so daily products can be applied and work better. And one more question? Do you use wet cotton pads or small cosmetic sponges to remove all cleanser from the face? If not, you better start doing it and see how much 'dirt' is left on your pads. You won't be able to remove it only with your hands. And ALWAYS dry your face with face cloth ( only for face, please) , if you suffer from acne, make sure it is fresh every day.
Step 2: Prepare your skin/and gently exfoliate your skin. You need to make sure your skin is ready to absorb all these beautiful products that you are going apply in the next step. Make sure you choose a right toner, slightly acidic, which would decrease the pH of your skin, gently exfoliate and make it ready for next steps.
Step 3: Targeted serums: depends on your skin type or skin conditions. But never forget about Vitamin C ( 15% L-Ascorbic Acid is the most bioavailable form of vitamin C)-powerful antioxidant,which will help you to fight off harmful free radicals, which attacks your skin every single day.
Step 4: Moisture your skin with a proper moisturizer, which will stay on the top of your skin, protecting your skin barrier.
Step 5: Protect: You probably remember about your make up but what about the sunscreen??? You probably say: I dont need one, as it's winter, or it's raining or just another cloudy day. And I am not talking here about applying a sunscreen like Nivea or Garnier before you go to the beach. Not this type. More sophisticated one. And not that kind which you find in your foundation, usually spf 15 or 20. This is not enough and won't do the job at all. These days, with all the science behind, we can reach for pure, non toxic, physical suncreens, packed with antioxidants for better protection even from all visible light. These suncreens can work as your foundation ( depends which one you choose), so really not need to blocking your skin with extra foundation. And get used to apply it 365 days per year. The earleir you start wearing a sunscreen the better skin quality and less wrinkles when you are older. Trust me. This is the KEY to beautiful and young looking skin.
Enjoy your day. Avoid direct sun exposures. Drink plenty of water , so you will keep yourself and your skin well hydrated.
And when the evening hits, bedtime, shower-think how you could spoil yourself with your night time skin routine.
Step 1: Cleanse your face of course. Remove your make up first,as cleanser on its own will not manage it. Even if you are wearing a good physical sunscreen ( clear one, transparent) you still remove it with your make up removal and see how much is left on the cotton pad. You expect that after very busy day, with sweating on the gym or running here and there, nothing will be left on your skin apart from dirt. But with physcial suncreens you will be suprised and that means what a great job they are doing in protecting your skin for whole long day!!!
Step 2: Toner of course, just like in the morning. Making sure the skin is really clean now, pH decreased, ready for absorbtion another serums.
Step 3: Targeted serums. Why serums before moisturizers? As they are cointaining ingredients at higher concentartion and need to get deeper to your skin. Especially Retinol should be always applied first.
Step 4: Moisture your skin, seal it and let all these lovely products do the good job while you are sleeping.
This is how your daily routine should look like. Do not skip it. It is very important just like brushing your teeth every day.
And additionally do some exfoliation weekly or twice a week ( depends on your skin needs) . This will increase the cellural turnover ( which gets slower as we age) and of course allow for deeper and better penetration of your homecare products.
Don't forget about professional treatments to maintain your skin once a month, or every three months, or twice a year..depends really on your skin concerns. We all need to pamper ourselves and our skin will benefit the most. As it is going REPRESENT YOU for a very long time!!!!

How dermal fillers can enhance your look?
But what actually dermal fillers do in our face? Well, if you are in late thirties you would probably notice some changes in your face that would make you feel sad, as you think: 'I am just getting older, my face is not the same as it was 10 or 20 years ago'. And it is not only fine lines or wrinkles that you notice. As we age, we loose bone density, we loose volume in our face-deep fat pads are shrinking and superficial fat pads are hypertrophy and migrate downwords-causing that terrible jowls, nasolebial folds or marionette lines. Our face will look 'tired'or 'sad', because of this aging process. We will notice only wrinkles ,and we will ask practitioner to reduce them by filling in with dermal filler, but actually this will not help as a first step. The new approach is to refill that deep fat pads with filler to bring back to midface volume loss. That will affect the nasolebial folds, which will become less visible. Full cheek are always a sign of youthull face, so this is a first step to rejuvenate your face. Then you can have your temples filled, some small wrinkles filled ( eg.smoker lines) or hydrate the lips ( as we loose volume there as well). But firstly you need a thorough aesthetic consultation, proper face examination, checking your proportion and any asymetries, considering your face shape, size of your eyes and lips, chin projection. Only after that assessment your practitioner will know how to help you. You can get a beautiful results by dermal fillers but you have to make sure you choose a qualified medical aesthetic practitioner, who knows all ageing process, who assess you and offer you the best treatment, tailored to your needs.

The true about wrinkle treatments injections, commonly known as a Botox
Not many know that Botox is a drug-prescription only medication and should NEVER been advertised. Botox is just a brand name. Generic name is a botulinum toxin, used to treat several medical conditions. In the early 90 last centry the scientist discovered that toxin can relax the muscles and therefore reduce the wrinkles. It was a BOOM in aesthetic medicine and very quickly toxin became popular treatment. 'Botox' was first available toxin approved by FDA to treat forehead lines, frown lines and crow's feet. That is why everyone knows only Botox brand. However there are other available toxins on the UK market right now like Bocuture or Azallure, and they all have the same way of working and doing the same great job. Botulinum toxin type A ( BoNT A) works on neuromuscular junction, inhibiting acetyloholine and then not allowing the muscle to contract, simply: paralysing the muscle. The effect is no dynamic movement in forehead, no frown lines and no smiling lines around your eyes. That state will not last forever and everything will go back to normal within next 3 months. So, the toxin is great form to treat dynamic lines in your face, but it won't get rid of all your fine lines and wrinkles. It will smooth them gently. And the big deal is that toxin are just perfect way to PREVENT from further wrinkles creation, but not reducing them completely. As toxins work only on dynamic lines, not on those which already exist. This is a true about Botox.
It is good to have that 'wrinkle relaxation treatments'(this is a proper name for that procedure) done on regular basis-but not too often, with minimum 3 months intervals. And it is good to start having them in early thirties, so our forehead and around eye area will look perfect and smooth. Remember that not everyone is suitable for this treatment and thorough medical consultation is required prior to each treatment. Therefore, before you decide to have antiwrinkle injections done, make sure you find a medical professional aesthetic practitioner, who will explain you all the benefits and downsides of having toxins. This is a drug and it might cause compliations, too. And you need to be aware of it.
To sum up-this is a great treatment as an addition to your proper daily skincare regime, based on medical grade products.